Earth Day 2024 – Earthing!

Have you ever heard of ” earthing”?

Have you ever walked barefoot on the ground, in grass, dirt, on the rocks or sand? Those are example’s of “earthing”. When I was young and even to this day, I prefer walking barefoot, inside & outside. As a preteen & teenager I used to forget my sandals in the summer time after leaving the dojo, driving all the way home barefoot only to realize what I’d done as I walked in to my house.

Walking barefoot always made me feel good. For the same reason I always hated wearing bra’s I guess, so my feet , and my skin could breathe. I felt more energetic, happier, carefree. In my mid & later teens learning about electrons and the energy that moves between ALL things, it made perfect sense.

I’d never heard the term “earthing” until about 10 years ago. Now it’s actually recognized by the world & even the National Institute of Science. There are so many benefits as we know, to getting out in nature. There are even more when it comes to earthing. On Earth Day today go look up the word ” earthing” and maybe as soon as you’re able , get out and try it.

Here in Upstate New York we have a bit more to wait for warmer temps. I can’t wait! BEWARE: NOT to walk barefoot on pesticide treated lawns or paths, or wooded areas where you might encounter ticks. It’s as easy as planting a chair on a patch of organic earth and letting your bare feet connect. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to feel the energy. Whether you see it or not, or feel it or not, it’s there.

Happy Earth Day 2024!

Happy Earthing !



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